INTERCOH 2021 is organized by the Delft water institutes (TU Delft) and will be held at IHE Delft, The Netherlands, between 14-17 September 2021.
We never imagined the impact of COVID-19 in this ‘’roller-coaster’’ year. We miss the opportunities to meet each other at conferences and exchange fruitful ideas, probably just like you. Therefore, INTERCOH 2021 will take place. Since it is unclear what the travelling restrictions will look like in September, we aim for a hybrid form of meeting at the IHE Delft venue and online. Hopefully, the virus has been controlled to such an extent that we can welcome most of you in the historic city centre of Delft.
For more information or details don’t hesitate to contact us via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Keynote speakers
We are proud to announce our key-note speakers:
- Kate Spencer will explain about the small details of flocs
- Edward Anthony discusses human impacts on muddy coasts
- Peter Herman will look at mud from an ecological perspective
The call for abstracts is now open!
This conference covers all research that is related to cohesive sediments, ranging from:
- Small-scale flocculation to estuarine-scale transport processes
- Harbor siltation to mangrove restoration
- Consolidated mud to light attenuation over coral reefs
- Near-bed low-Reynolds number simulations to basin scale morphodynamics
- Lab experiments to field campaigns
- Turbulence to geological timescales
- Tidal flats to the continental shelf
However, if you believe that your work on non-cohesive material is relevant for the cohesive community, feel free to bond and submit your abstract.
More details about registration, submission and guidance can be found at