As the executive body of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, Rijkswaterstaat manages the Netherlands' main highway and waterway network. Rijkswaterstaat takes care of the design, construction, management and maintenance of the main infrastructure facilities in the Netherlands. They are responsible not only for the technical condition of the infrastructure, but also for its user-friendliness. Smooth and safe traffic flows, a safe, clean and user-friendly national waterway system and protection from flooding: that is what Rijkswaterstaat is about.

Participation in NCK

The participation of Rijkswaterstaat in NCK is covered by the service Water, Traffic and Environment (WVL). WVL develops the vision of Rijkswaterstaat on the main highway and waterway network, as well as the interaction with our living environment. WVL is also repsonsible for the scientific knowledge that Rijkswaterstaat requires to perform its tasks, now and in the future.

As such, Rijkswaterstaat - WVL works closely with knowledge institutes. By participating in joint ventures and forming strategic alliances with partners from the scientific world, WVL stimulates the development of knowledge and innovation with and for commercial parties.

More information


Representative in the NCK Board of Supervisors: M.E. Busnach-Blankers MSc
Representative in the NCK Programme Committee: L. Brakenhoff PhD.

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