Summer School Managing Flood Disasters in Delta Cities

Other events
Sunday, 18 June - Saturday, 24 June
The summer school on Flood Disaster Management is co-organized by Delft University of Technology and Tsinghua University, and receives financial support from the Royal Dutch Academy of Science (KNAW) China Exchange Program. The summer school will be held in Beijing, China, from 18 to 24 June 2017.
The summer school is considered to be boundary spanning and initiates to build bridges from the following perspectives:
- Between China and the Netherlands: there has been already good exemplary cooperation between these two countries (e.g. the Sino-Dutch project on sustainable development Yellow River delta, 1995-1997), more communication and potential collaboration in this new era will be facilitated via this summer school.
- Between academia and practice: it is a great opportunity to involve top researchers and other stakeholders, including practitioners, SMEs, government representatives. The participants will have a unique experience to converse with the best, expand their vision. In this way, research will become more applied and better informed by needs in practice. Vice versa, the practice will benefit from research outcome and carry out more effective implementations.
- Between water management, disaster management and other scientific disciplines: it sets up an interdisciplinary platform that helps to formulate new research agenda on flood risk management, such as the challenges faced by different stakeholders in real world situations, the opportunities in (technological) developments, and how to make potential research and collaboration actionable. It helps to create a new discipline that has the 'best of breed' manner towards both scientific rigor and practical effectiveness.
There are up to 12 scholarships available to cover travel and accommodation costs for full-time students (including PhD) who registered at a Dutch university.
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