DISCLOSE symposium 2019

This will be an interesting day for researchers, policy makers and those involved in the use and conservation of the North Sea ecosystem. DISCLOSE researchers will present their first results on efficient methods for large-scale monitoring of the North Sea bottom and its rich benthic communities. Additionally, potential use of these results in marine conservation will be discussed. External marine experts will subsequently present how DISCLOSE contributes to their working field and identify future challenges.
The DISCLOSE project aims to provide detailed maps of the seabed in the North Sea and assess the conditions under which rich communities can grow. Marine seabed habitats and communities are complex to study due to their large surfaces and the obvious water coverage. DISCLOSE therefore takes a multidisciplinary approach, combining acoustic imaging (TUD) with video imaging (UG) and standard seabed sampling techniques (NIOZ), allowing detailed examination of the seabed at a large scale. The North Sea Foundation ensures integration of results in marine policy, collaboration with other projects and the communication to the wider public.
For more information, program and registration, please visit https://discloseweb.webhosting.rug.nl/disclose-symposium-2019/