5th Brunings Lecture

We cordially invite you to the 5th https://BruningsLecture.nl on Tuesday 14 January 1-5 PM in Utrecht.
Please register (for free) so we know how much catering to order.
The theme:
- 1001 results of 6 years of estuarine research in Utrecht
- program: a lively overview by our team with very brief presentations of key results...
- ...connected together in a greater story
- conducted in collaboration with other universities, companies, Rijkswaterstaat and Deltares
- visit to the Metronome for drinks in its new location: https://www.uu.nl/en/news/earth-simulation-laboratory-officially-opened
After the lecture we will release a series of short movies on https://BruningsLecture.nl so that your collegues can also access and use our results (much faster than by reading all our papers). The Brunings lecture is of course different from the movies so you are most welcome for the complete experience.
More information needed? The papers from all our projects can be found on http://www.geo.uu.nl/fg/mkleinhans/.
More information needed? The papers from all our projects can be found on http://www.geo.uu.nl/fg/mkleinhans/ (most are open access and email me if you cannot access them or if you have questions and requests). The titles and research subjects also tell you in which projects you could ask us to collaborate.
After the lecture we will release a series of short movies on https://BruningsLecture.nl so that your collegues can also access and use our results (much faster than by reading all our papers). The Brunings lecture is of course different from the movies so you are most welcome for the complete experience.
- 1001 results of 6 years of estuarine research in Utrecht
- program: a lively overview by our team with very brief presentations of key results...
- ...connected together in a greater story
- conducted in collaboration with other universities, companies, Rijkswaterstaat and Deltares
- visit to the Metronome for drinks in its new location:
the https://www.uu.nl/en/news/earth-simulation-laboratory-officially-opened
The theme:
Feel free to spread the news on newsletters and listings (note new site address).
Please register (for free) so we know how much catering to order.
We cordially invite you to the 5th https://BruningsLecture.nl on Tuesday 14 January 1-5 pm in Utrecht.