[Young-NCK] Flood safety & crisis management

Thursday, 25 April 12:30 - 12:42
Rijkswaterstaat, 2, Zuiderwagenplein, Lelycentre, Lelystad, Flevoland, Netherlands
8224 AD, Netherlands

Are you a coastal young professional, but do you actually know little about the water safety policy of the Netherlands? Join Y-NCK for a crash course flood safety at Rijkswaterstaat Lelystad!

Wouter Rozier (expert flood safety, Rijkswaterstaat) will teach us all we need to know about the Dutch water safety policy: Do you know how the risk of a flood is determined? What are the safety goals and how are they translated into standards for the primary flood defences? What is ‘basic safety’ for everyone behind a primary flood defence and how is it ensured? Moreover, he will give us an insight in crisis management: How do we prevent a crisis and what do we do if a crisis is threatening to arise? 

Next, we will visit the Water Management Centre of the Netherlands (WMCN). The Water Management Centre the Netherlands (WMCN) is the information centre for the Dutch water system. The Water Management Centre bundles all products and services concerning information about water. The WMCN provides daily information to users of the Dutch water system. These users can turn to the Water Management Centre for information regarding water levels, flood risks and (bathing) water quality. In extreme situations, including water shortages, water pollution and the threat of flooding, the Water Management Centre provides advice to the national and regional water authorities about the expected condition of the water.

We will end this informative afternoon with drinks!


 12:30  Registration                                                                
 13:00 - 15:00  Presentation by Wouter Rozier (1.153 - Waterpeil)
 15:00 - 16:00  Visit the Water Management Center
 16:00 - 17:00  Drinks

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