NCK-WA Wadden Day

Theme days
Tuesday, 18 May 09:00

The Netherlands Centre for Coastal Research (NCK), the Waddenacademie and Rijkswaterstaat have organised a webinar on the interaction between biotic and abiotic factors in the Wadden Sea on the 18th of May, 2021. In the program below the movies of the 5-min pitches are available and also the recordings of ntire webinar is available below. RWS wrote a reflection on the presentations of the theme day, that is available pdfhere.


The Netherlands Centre for Coastal Research (NCK), the Waddenacademie and Rijkswaterstaat will organise the second NCK-theme day about the Wadden. Central theme is the interaction between biotic and abiotic factors in the Wadden sea. The format of the theme 'day' will be an online meeting in the morning of Tuesday 18th of May, from 9.00 - 12.15h.

The aim of this theme day is to deepen the knowledge of the interaction between some key biotic and abiotic factors in the Dutch Wadden Sea. The target audience for this theme day are scientists and specialists. 


The program consists of three sessions, that each start with a general introduction of 15 min and is followed by three shorter presentations of 5 min and closed with a discussion. 


09.00 - 09.05 Welcome and introduction by Katja Philippart
09.05 - 09.50 Session 1: Ecological feed-back mechanisms
Katja Philippart: moderator
Intro by Tjisse van der Heide (RUG/NIOZ): Why do we need knowledge about ecological feedback mechanisms for an adaptive management of the Wadden Sea?
  1. Why do plant-sediment interactions in salt marshes affect ecosystem services? (Ketil Koop-Jakobsen; AWI)
  2. Why are plant-mediated feedbacks relevant for landscape formation? (Valerie Reijers; NIOZ/UU)
  3. Why do we have to consider various phases of the life-cycle? (Muriel Bruckner; UU)
Discussion about session 1
09.50 - 10.05 Break
10.05 - 10.50 Session 2: Ecosystem engineering
Lies van Nieuwerburgh: moderator
Intro by Tjeerd Bouma (UU/NIOZ): Why do we need knowledge about ecosystem engineering for an adaptive management of the Wadden Sea?
  1. Why are we doing a large-scale experiment on salt marsh construction in the Marconi project? (Martin Baptist; WMR)
  2. Why do we need to create a window of opportunity for the establishment of mussel beds? (Jacob Capelle; WMR)
  3. Why can ecological engineering serve in coastal protection? (Bas Borsje; UT)
Discussion about session 2
10.50 - 11.05 Break
11.05 - 11.50 Session 3: Role of modelling in exploring impacts of environmental change
Martin Baptist: moderator
Intro by Peter Herman (Deltares/TUD): Why do we need models for exploring future impacts of environmental change on the interaction between biotic and abiotic factors in the Wadden Sea?
  1. Why do hydrodynamic models have to include the characteristics of seagrass meadows? (Jasper Dijkstra, Deltares)
  2. Why should governmental organisations be aware of interactions between abiotic and biotic factors in their coastal shallow waters? (Cor Schipper; RWS)
Discussion about session 3
11.50 - 12.10 Overall discussion
12.10 - 12.15 Closing by Martin Baptist


Registration is closed.



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