We would like to announce the following Lunch Seminar and PhD defence at Wageningen University, on May 1st, 2019:

The lunch seminar presentations will be held in room Gaia 1, Gaia Building, campus Wageningen University & Research (Droevendaalsesteeg 3, 6708 PB Wageningen)

12.15-13.00 Paola Passalacqua: A network analysis of patterns and processes in river deltas: Lessons learned from two different systems

13.00-13.30 Jordi Vila Guerau de Arellano: Evapotranspiration and cloud variability at regional sub-grid scales

The PhD defence will be held at Aula Wageningen University & Research (Generaal Foulkesweg 1, 6703 BG Wageningen)

16.00-17.30 Karl Kästner: Multi-Scale Monitoring and Modelling of the Kapuas River Delta

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