For the Sand Motor, there is now a digital map available that contains a large variety of scientific insights. You can take it with you on your phone during your walk and get informed with all kinds of insights. This may also be of interest for your friends and family that may be less acquainted with coastal systems.

You can find the digital map below, or access it on your device through this link.

Reference: B.J.A. Huisman, J.W.M. Wijsman, S.M. Arens, C.T.M. Vertegaal, L. Van der Valk, S.C. Van Donk, H.S.I. Vreugdenhil, M.D. Taal (2021). 10-years evaluation of the Sand Motor. Results of the Monitoring- and Evaluation Program (MEP) for the period 2011 to 2021. Deltares report 11201431-003-ZKS-0014. Commissioned by Rijkswaterstaat. With partners Wageningen Marine Research, Arens Bureau voor Strand en Duinonderzoek and Vertegaal Ecologisch Advies en Onderzoek

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