
On 16 and 17 March, the Ems-Scheldt symposium will take place at Flanders Hydraulics in Antwerp, Belgium. This symposium will focus in particular on coastal oceanography and biogeomorphology. Are you interested in these topics in the perspective of the Ems/Scheldt? The organizers welcome you to participate.

It is now possible to register and to indicate whether you intend to give a presentation through https://waterbouwkundiglaboratorium.be/nl/schelde-ems-workshop-2023. Deadline for registration is 31 January 2023 and there is a maximum capacity of 100 attendants. So in case you are interested, register now.

Steven Kaptein, Flanders Hydraulics
Henk Schuttelaars and Yoeri Dijkstra, TU Delft
Thomas Badewien, University of Oldenburg
Ton Hoitink, Wageningen University & Research

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