Netherlands Centre for Coastal Research
OBITUARY JACOBUS van de KREEKE The below obituary will later appear in the Journal of Coastal Research This version has been presented on the occasion of the Celebration of Co’s Celebration of Life Monday, Miami Yacht Club, Florida, USA, May 22 at 6:30 PM. The Dutch Coastal Research Community is very sorry to have been informed that Professor Co van de Kreeke is deceased on May 4, 2023 at the age of 87 years in his homestead in Miami, USA. Co was one of the Dutch pioneering young researchers that in the early 1960s took up the challenge to get further educated in what was then the center of coastal research excellence, viz. University of Gainesville in Florida. He later joined the University of Miami to further develop his particular field, tidal inlet stability and its physical processes, many years later culminating in the book on tidal hydro-and morphodynamics. Interestingly, while further developing his Northern American research network, Co always kept a close contact with his Dutch research roots developing a parallel research network in the Netherlands. He was a passionate, inspiring researcher and an excellent teacher. Many of us have been deeply influenced by his exceptional physical intuition, broad vision and warm and supporting personality. Co leaves a great legacy in physical oceanography through his scientific work, through his undergraduate and graduate students, and through his leadership in national and international scientific organisations, such as co-founding the Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas (PECS) conferenties and community. As he matured into a perfect teacher he aided the Dutch researchers in their pursuit of reaching success in his field “Stability of Coastal Inlets”. Delft University of Technology, Deltares and The Netherlands Centre for Coastal Research are national organizations that owe to him for his great support. He will be sadly and greatly missed. Sincerely reminded, Marcel Stive, Ad Reniers, Ronald Brouwer, Edwin Elias, Anneke Hibma, Henk Schuttelaars, Zheng Bing Wang, Han Winterwerp, Tjerk Zitman |
Op 10 mei aanstaande organiseren het NCK en de Waddenacademie weer een gezamenlijke themadag. Dit keer staat de (duurzame) economie van de kust en de (Wadden)zee centraal, met bijdragen uit zowel de wetenschap als de praktijk. De (economische) waarde van verschillende aspecten van kust en zee zullen de revue passeren en ongetwijfeld aanleiding geven tot een levendige discussie. We verheugen erop jullie op 10 mei in Den Helder te ontmoeten!
Towards more diverse approaches in Coastal Engineering & Sciences
Coastal engineering changed over the last decades from shortening our coastlines and building barriers to engineering solutions with sand nourishments, rebuilding seagrass meadows and diversifying foreshores. The coastal management toolbox is getting bigger. However, is it already big and diverse enough? Are all tools sufficiently tested? Are new tools needed? Is our knowledge sufficient for applying available tools?
The NCK Days 2023 will be held from 29-31 March 2023 in Theatre De Veste in Delft. On Wednesday we will visit the Maasvlakte and Springertduinen. We'll be inspired by two keynote speakers: Fernando Mendez and Wouter van der Heij. The programme and Book of Abstracts are is now available at the event page!
Best regards,
NCK2023: Anne Ton, Jose Álvarez Antolínez, Paul Bayle, Marion Tissier, Bram van Prooijen