Our new NCK-RWS video is out! We proudly present: 'Data tot op de bodem van de Zeeuwse delta'! The video shows how data and models are used to keep our estuaries safe from flooding, accesible by ships and how we try to reduce pressure on nature. This video is an idea of Rena Hoogland, made by Vizualism and financed by NCK and RWS. 

An English version is available here: https://player.vimeo.com/video/787862169

For posts on Twitter and Instagram we made a teaser: 

Feel free to share!

Dear NCK community, The end of the year is already approaching, and the new year is on its way. That also means that we started with the organization of the NCK-days 2023! Also coming year, we plan to have many interesting talks, an excursion, meeting new and old friends, and getting inspired. In January, we will provide more details about subscription, venue, theme etc. For now, we would like you to put the following dates in the agenda: NCK 2023: 29-31 March! We are looking forward to see you all. Best regards, NCK2023 Team (TU Delft)

On 16 and 17 June, the Ems-Scheldt symposium will take place in Wageningen. This symposium will focus in particular on coastal oceanography and biogeomorphology. Are you interested in these topics in the perspective of the Ems/Scheldt? The organizers welcome you to participate.

It is now possible to register and to indicate whether you intend to give a presentation through this link. Deadline for registration is 1 June 2022 and there is a maximum capacity of 100 attendants. So in case you are interested, register now. See also pdfthis flyer.

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