Netherlands Centre for Coastal Research
Update: the recordings are now available at:
Within the framework of the current societal climate change impact discussions, NCK organises a webinar to explore the impact of sea level rise on the hydrodynamics and morphodynamics in Dutch estuaries on Tuesday, the 27th of October. The webinar will start at 13.30h. The aims of the webinar are to present a broad overview on ongoing research efforts by NCK partners and to identify knowledge gaps and research directions in an interactive, online setting. The program is now available and registration is open at: You need to register to receive a link to join the webinar.
We look forward to virtually meeting you then!
Theo Gerkema (NIOZ), Bas van Maren (Deltares/TU Delft), Ad van der Spek (Deltares), Mick van der Wegen (IHE Delft/Deltares)
On the 18th of September at 13.30h, the NCK community gathered on the 'hot topic' of plastic pollution, with a broad overview of the topic, reflected by the various presentations (see program). Did you miss the webinar? You can watch the recordings at
We would like to invite you to explore the full data set of our Ameland field campaign that was carried out in the Kustgenese2.0/SEAWAD project during an online sprint session on Thursday 9th of July, 15:00 - 17:00hrs.
This project is a collaboration of Rijkswaterstaat, Deltares, TU Delft, University of Twente and Utrecht University. In 2017, these institutes organized a large-scale field campaign on the Ameland ebb-tidal delta in the North of the Netherlands, during which we measured waves, currents, benthos, bed composition and many other things across the entire delta. In October 2019, the entire data set became publicly available, so everyone can now freely use it. In this sprint session, we will give a more detailed overview of what we measured and how the data can be downloaded and analyzed. We will do this with some practical tutorials, so if you want to join, please make sure your own laptop has either Matlab or Python running on it.
We kindly request you to register for this online event here.