Netherlands Centre for Coastal Research
The Rector Magnificus would like to announce that Prof.dr. K.M. Wijnberg, appointed by the Executive Board of the University of Twente as Professor of Coastal Systems and Nature-based Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering Technology (ET), will be giving an inaugural lecture in the Prof. ir. M.P. Breedveld Room, Waaier Building, at 16:00 precisely on Thursday 2 May 2019 to mark the occasion of her appointment.
The title of this lecture will be:
The Rector Magnificus kindly invites you to attend this event. Before the inaugural lecture coffee and tea will be served in the foyer of the Waaier building. You may offer your congratulations after the lecture.
Would you like to attend the ceremony? Register before 2 May 2019 on
For more information, you can download the digital invitation in PDF here.
Dear NCK Colleagues,
We are starting a new project that aims to develop DUNEs FOR Coastal safEty and habitat development (DuneForce!). The DuneForce project will be initiated this year at Delft University of Technology in collaboration with Wageningen University and Research in the Netherlands. The project will run for 4 years.
I would like to point out some exciting career opportunities for Post-doc and PhD’s. See for more information.
Please feel free to spread this message in your network and/or contact me personally if you have any questions.
Sierd de Vries (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Juul Limpens
Michel Riksen
Vincent Vuik kindly invites you to the symposium "Building Safety with Nature", which will be held on March 27, from 13:00 - 16:00, at the Aula TU Delft (Commissiekamer 3). The programme of this short symposium is:
13:00 | Welcome and Lunch |
13:30 | Introduction by Bas Jonkman, Professor of Integral Hydraulic Engineering, TU Delft |
13:45 | ‘How managed realignment affects flood levels in the Scheldt estuary’ by Stijn Temmerman, Professor of Ecosystem Management, University of Antwerp |
14:15 | ‘Ecosystem services and livelihoods in coastal Bangladesh’ by Robert Nicholls, Professor of Coastal Engineering, University of Southampton |
14:45 | Coffee break |
15:15 | Panel discussion: 'Implementatie van voorlanden voor waterveiligheid. Panel Members are: Stefan Aarninkhof (Professor of Coastal Engineering, TU Delft); Niels Roode (Project Manager of POV Voorlanden); Bas Roels (Senior advisor freshwater, WWF Netherlands) |
16:00 | Closure and drinks |
Please register for this symposium by sending an e-mail to Vincent Vuik, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.