The NCK Days of 2017 have been a great succes!

We would like to give our thanks and compliments to Wageningen Marine Research for the very smooth organization. Also many thanks to all contributors for putting in the effort to share their work in presentations and posters. 

If you have missed a presentation, did not see all posters, or simply would want to re-read the info: you can now download the book of abstracts on the 'past events' page. On this page, you can also get an overall impression of the NCK Days, with a link to all the photos that were made during the NCK Days.

We look forward to seeing you at the next NCK event!

Impressie NCK days 2017

On Thursday January 26, 2017 there will be a joint meeting of the five NWO-BwN projects: EMERGO, BE SAFE, Smart Ecosystems, CoCoChannel and Rebuilding barrier islands.

Knowledge gain within these projects is not only important from a scientific point of view, but also forms the foundation for policy and future delta and river developments. The aim of this day is to inform each other and strengthen the interaction with our consortium partners, especially the NGO’s.

What to expect:

  • An introduction/update of the five projects
  • Interactive poster session
  • Networking possibility

Please go to our events page to find more information on the programme and the venue. You can register for this day by following this link.

5e19db3fe9On 10 January 2017, 13.00-17.00 hr, the second Christiaan Brunings Lecture will be held at the Utrecht University Library Uithof (Boothzaal).

This year's theme is salt marshes!

* keynote lecture prof. Sergio Fagherazzi (Boston University) on survival of salt marshes under global change
* lecture prof. Tjeerd Bouma (NIOZ) on small-scale processes affecting large-scale salt marsh dynamics
* Metronome tidal facility demonstration, perhaps including the first-ever mud flats and salt marshes in experiments

100 seats available (admission free) for practitioners and scientists working on salt marshes. More info (programme, abstracts) and registration at Last year's lecture is online. Also see

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