winners2016 kleinvoorkantWe are looking back on a successful edition of the NCK days and would like to thank you all for your presence and contribution! The presentations and posters were interesting, which was also reflected in the distribution of the votes for the best paper and poster. We congratulate Matthieu de Schipper (best presentation, left) and Abdel Nnafie (best poster, right) with their achievement. Bert van der Valk and Frans Beekman guided us along the beach and dunes of Westenschouwen with nice stories, which made the field trip very pleasant and the sun did the rest! We would like to thank Deltares for organising this edition of the NCK days.

If you would like to read the abstracts: the book of abstracts is now also available online!

NorthSeaConferenceCall for Abstracts and Registration for the North Sea Open Science Conference is NOW OPEN and runs until May 1st 2016. Early bird registration until June 30th 2016. Please visit for details.

The event takes place in Ostend, Belgium from 7-10 November 2016. The conference is open to fundamental and applied research, lessons-learnt from both successes and failures in marine management, and innovative measurement and data handling concepts from within and beyond the North Sea. The conference will equally cover biodiversity and physico-chemical environmental aspects of the North Sea. The conference will make use of innovative formats, encouraging other types of presentations than traditional powerpoints and promoting participatory methodologies (i.e. Fish bowls) stimulating real dialogue amongst participants.

Come and join us for a unique science-policy-society trialogue on the North Sea!

The General Assembly 2016 of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) will take place on 17-22 April 2016, in Vienna (Austria).  

We cordially invite you to submit abstracts for the EGU session: Climate change impacts on nearshore hydrodynamics and morphodynamics (GM12.2/NH1.17/OS2.8). A full description of the session can be found here. Abstract submission deadline is January 13, 2015, 13:00 CET by electronic submission only through the meeting website.


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