Netherlands Centre for Coastal Research
The subject of the upcoming NCK theme day is 'Knowledge development for Coastal Management and Maintenance (Kustlijnzorg)'. Nourishments are an important strategy to preserve the Dutch coastline in a dynamic way. Deltares collaborates with Rijkswaterstaat to develop knowledge needed to carry out an effective nourishment strategy. This collaboration focusses on understanding the (large scale) coastal system behaviour, in order to explain local (erosion) phenomena and define adequate management solutions.
The latest results and insights on these topics will be presented on the NCK Theme day on the 5th of February 2016 in the Beatrix Theatre in Utrecht. You are warmly invited to join the discussion. Please register for the theme day (free of charge!) by sending an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The Dutch Nation Research Agenda contains the research questions that academic research will focus on in the coming years. Last April, everyone (scientists, companies, civil society organisations and interested citizens) was asked to submit their research question. The NCK Programme Committee has submitted the following questions on behalf of the NCK community:
- How would/should the Wadden Sea look like in the future?
- How would we design the Delta Works with knowledge of today?
- What are the effects of large scale maintenance with sand on the coast on the long term?
- Will the Wadden Sea survive a sea level rise?
In total 11,700 questions were submitted and confined to a research agenda. The website of the Dutch National Research Agenda gives more information about this process. The 140 final questions are listed on the Dutch website.
Invitation for the 1st Christiaan Brunings Lecture: 12 January 2016, 12.30-17.00 hr at Utrecht University
Theme: morphodynamics and sedimentology in estuaries
Estuaries harbour highly productive natural habitats and are of pivotal economic importance for food production, access to harbours and urban safety. Accelerating sea-level rise, changing river discharge and interference threaten these functions, but we lack fundamental understanding and models to predict combined effects of biomorphological interactions, inherited landscape and changing drivers.
- keynote lecture prof. James Best (Illinois) on bars and bedforms in the Columbia River estuary
- lecture dr. Jelmer Cleveringa (Arcadis) on bars and bedforms in the Western Scheldt
- Metronome tidal facility demonstration
100 seats available (admission free) for practitioners and scientists working on estuaries
More info and register at
Sponsored by Rijkswaterstaat and Deltares