EGU 2015

The General Assembly 2015 of the European Geosciences Union, will take place on 12-17 April 2015, in Vienna (Austria).

As part of the Ocean Sciences Programme, Session Group OS2: Coastal Oceans, Semi-enclosed and Marginal Seas, we are organising the Open session on Coastal and Shelf Seas (OS2.1). More information can be found in the 'upcoming events' section of this website.

Abstract submission deadline is January 7, 2015, 13:00 CET by electronic submission only through the meeting website.


IAHR 2015

This is to remind you that next year, the biannual main conference of IAHR will be held from June 28 until July 3, 2015.

The title for this year's conference is "DELTAS OF THE FUTURE and what happens upstream"

As this is an eye-catching conference with a long history in Delft, the Netherlands, we would want to stimulate the participation of as many NCK participants as possible.  Seize the opportunity to highlight your national and international research efforts!

Please mind to submit your abstract before November 4th, 2014. For further information, visit



thumb zeekraal op balgzandThe NCK days of 2014 were a succes. We would like to thank all speakers and people with poster presentations for their contribution. Considering all the high marks that have been awarded by the audience, we may conclude that the standard was very high!

Also, we would like to give our compliments to the organising committee of UNESCO-IHE for the smooth organisation. Well done, Mick van der Wegen, Shahrizal Bin Ab Razak, Leo Sembiring, Ewout Heeringa and Martine Roebroeks.

The book of abstracts is now available via this link.

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