R. Zijlstra1, Q.J. Lodder1,2

1 Rijkswaterstaat, 2 TU Delft, Civil Engineering and Geosciences

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The tidal inlets of the Wadden Sea are characteristically governed by large scale dynamic processes. Annually the gross sediment transport in these area’s is many millions of cubic meters. The net sediment transport rates are considerably smaller but still very significant (eg. Elias et al., 2018). These dynamics have an impact on the coast of the Wadden Sea Islands (see figure 1). Working against these dynamics requires relatively large nourishment efforts. Fully embracing all dynamics may result in considerable land loss. This has consequences for the use of the coast. And there is uncertainty on whether it will be regained in the future. In this poster presentation we will show examples of the challenges for coastal zone management in these area’s.

We will especially elaborate on:

  • Large spatial scale and long time scale morphodynamics versus the use of a fixed reference coastline, the basiskustlijn (BKL);
  • Spatial Planning and Coastal Management;
  • Effectiveness of coastal management actions and sustainability;
  • Need for system understanding.

To further optimize and adjust the Dutch coastal policy and sand nourishment practice, Rijkswaterstaat (part of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water) coordinates multiple research programs. Co-operation with NCK on these programs is essential. With this poster we aim to inspire NCK for future collaborations.




Figure 1 Example of large scale changes: bed topography in the Amelander Inlet System (top: 1986 and 2016) and the (calculated) coastline position in a transect at Ameland (TKL) (below).

Reference: Elias et al. 2018, Understanding the present-day morphodynamics of Ameland inlet

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