Mr Pär Persson, The County Administrative Board (CAB) of Sweden/Skåne

Focusing on coastal management and representing the EU project LIFE Coast Adapt, of which the CAB is a beneficiary as well as Lund University, the Skåne Local Association of Municipalities, the municipalities of Ystad, Lomma and Helsingborg, and the regional public authority of southern Sweden, Region Skåne.

"Coordination of coastal management and policymaking" is the subject of action C1, LIFE Coast Adapt (page 2). Three objectives will be conducted.

  • Guideline for ecosystem based / nature based solutions to protect the coast
  • Policy for errands (legals)
  • A map showing where different measures can fit along the coast of Scania

Below you find a short description of identified questions for each objective.


Baseline material is important for planning measures. What kind of documents are important to have when planning measures?


  • What measures are relevant at each location?
  • Is there a link between the baseline information and the measure chosen?
  • Measures other than the chosen ones relevant based on existing documents?
  • Accountability and socio-economic factors a role in the choice of measures?

Legals and implementation

  • Are the legal processes an obstacle to take appropriate measures? In that case, which measures and what is the obstacle?
  • Are there financial barriers to implementing appropriate measures? In that case, what measures are the most difficult to finance?
  • Time perspective affect the implementation, what measures are relevant in different time perspectives? What opportunities and difficulties exist for legal, economic, social and ecological time perspectives?

Producing Maps

Maps produced in the project will be products of how best practice of scientific knowledge interact with legal processes and other implementation perspectives. Maps containing of different GIS layers also have to be presented in a way that addresses the recipient. 


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