twentelogoUniversity of Twente is currently hiring 2 PhD students for the multidisciplinary ReAShore -Resilience of Anthropogenic Shores- project. ReAShore investigates socio-biophysical dynamics of sandy shores that are modified by nature-based solutions. The project applies a Living Lab approach to document and analyse interactions between these evolving anthropogenic shores and their users and managers. The available PhD positions focus on:
1. the morphodynamic development of newly created beach-dune systems in relation to socio-biophysical interactions
2. the social dynamics of newly created beach-dune systems in relation to socio-environmental interactions

This project is a collaborative effort between the University of Twente (project lead), Wageningen University and Research, Basque Centre for Climate Change BC3, HZ University of Applied Sciences, as well as project partners from the industry and coastal authorities. Both PhDs position are fully funded and will be based in our Civil Engineering department at the University of Twente.

Applications can be submitted via the ‘Apply Now’ button on the website (see links above). The application deadline is 8 March 2020.


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