Rising Sea Level in Estuaries; Impact on Tide and Morphology

Watch the recording of this webinar below:
Within the framework of the current societal climate change impact discussions, NCK organises a webinar to explore the impact of sea level rise on the hydrodynamics and morphodynamics in Dutch estuaries on Tuesday, the 27th of October. The aims of the webinar are to present a broad overview on ongoing research efforts by NCK partners and to identify knowledge gaps and research directions in an interactive, online setting.
The programme consists of 10-minute presentations followed by 5 minutes of questions. The presentations are followed by an open discussion by all participants on identification of knowledge gaps and research directions. We will conclude by a plenary presentation of the discussion findings. The character of the presentations will be directed to physical aspects, but the discussions may explore implications for management and policy.
You can subscribe to the webinar via the green button on top of this page. You need to register to receive a link to join the webinar.
The program is as follows:
13:30-13:45 | Introduction by prof. Piet Hoekstra (UU) |
Session Hydrodynamics | |
13:45-14:00 | The impact of global sea-level on tides - Sanne Muis (Deltares / VU) |
14:00-14:15 | Not only sea level rises, but also the high tide: Eastern Scheldt case study - Long Jiang (NIOZ / HoHai University, China) |
14:15-14:30 | SLR impact classification in estuaries - Jasper Leuven (RHDHV / WUR) |
14:30-14:45 | Break |
Session Morphodynamics - part 1 | |
14:45-15:00 | Geological timescales of Dutch basins – Ad van der Spek (Deltares / UU) |
15:00-15:15 | Flat Level Rise; Variations in tidal-flat morphology and dynamics in the Wadden Sea – Jelmer Cleveringa (Arcadis) |
15:15-15:30 | Modeling sand and mud morphodynamic impact of SLR on a short tidal basin - Hesham Elmilady (IHE Delft / Deltares / TUD) |
15:30-15:45 | Break |
Session Morphodynamics part 2 | |
15:45-16:00 | Response of the Wadden Sea Tidal Basins to Relative Sea-Level rise, aggregated modelling approach – Quirijn Lodder (TUD / RWS) |
16:00-16:15 | The long-term morphological response to sea level rise and different sediment strategies in the Western Scheldt and Ems estuaries - Bjorn Robke (Deltares) |
Discussion | |
16:15-16:45 | Discussion supported with Mentimeter |
16:45-17:00 | Wrap up and conclusions |
If you have any question, don't hesitate to contact us via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or directly.
Best regards,
Theo Gerkema (NIOZ), Bas van Maren (Deltares / TU Delft), Ad van der Spek (Deltares / UU), Mick van der Wegen (IHE Delft / Deltares)