NCK days 2019

General information
You are all invited to join the NCKdays 2019! They will take place at March 21 and 22 in the Zuiderzee Museum Enkhuizen. The icebreaker will be on Wednesday March 20, starting at 20.30 hours. Thursday and Friday will be filled with oral and poster sessions by you, and of course some time will also be reserved to explore the museum and catch up with your colleagues. On Saturday March 23 we want to organize an excursion to the Marker Wadden. When you register you can indicate whether you are interested to join. More details on the program can be found further below.
Registration & accomodation
To register for the NCK days 2019 please go to and fill in the form. After you have filled in the form, you will receive an e-mail to pay by IDEAL or credit card. Be sure to pay your fee, because your registration is only complete after we have received your payment. This year, conference fees are €40 per day, €55 for the conference dinner and only €135 for the full conference!
If you want to stay overnight, you are kindly asked to make your own arrangements. The hotels with discount rates for the NCK community (Hotel de Koepoort, Hotel Die Port van Cleve en Suydersee Hotel) had to be reserved before February 1st.
NCK video competition
Outreach to the public and valorization have become important pillars in academia. Many of you have probably made small movies about your research, or are thinking about making one. During the NCK days 2019 we will organize a session in which we show your short videos about your research. Videos should not be longer than 5 minutes, preferably shorter. The most original and informative video will win the first NCK research movie award! Please send your videos to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before March 1, 2019.
Book of Abstracts
To reduce our carbon footprint, we will no longer be handing out hardcopies of the Book of Abstracts during the NCK Days. You can easily view each individual abstract, by clicking on the corresponding title in the program below. If you wish to view or download the full Book of Abstracts as PDF, you can click here.
Preliminary program
Excursion to Marker Wadden
As excursion, we would like to look at the future of the Zuiderzee by visiting the Marker Wadden with you! After the closure of the Zuiderzee, the dynamics in the newly formed lake decreased and a lot of mud was deposited. This affected bioproductivity, and the subsequent decrease in fish, water plants and shellfish led to a 75% decrease in the amount of birds in the area. The Marker Wadden are an artificial group of islands, created by Natuurmonumenten, Rijkswaterstaat and Boskalis to restore nature and natural dynamics in the Markermeer. They have recently been opened for the public, although a part of the islands remains exclusively accessible for birds.
We will sail to the Marker Wadden with the former ferry to Terschelling, the MS Friesland. On board, there are several presentations and pitches about the Marker Wadden and its wildlife, and there is also time to look at birds. When we arrive on the island, you can walk around on the 12 km of walkway and/or look for birds in one of the bird viewing huts. You can also walk with one of the bird guides to learn more about the various bird species on the island.
Since the islands are located in the middle of the Zuiderzee, it takes a few hours of sailing to get there, so we organize this on Saturday March 23rd. We will leave from the Enkhuizen harbour, which is located next to the Enkhuizen train station, at 9 AM, and we’ll return at 5 PM. This excursion will cost €31, excluding lunch, which you can buy on the boat or bring yourself. If you are a member of Natuurmonumenten, you get a €3,- discount, each member can bring 3 persons with discount as well. Be sure to bring your membership card to the excursion! Payment should be done separately to the excursion company, if you subscribe while registering for the NCK days you will receive the payment link in the end of February.
The excursion is organised by Fogol, more information (in Dutch) can be found at
More information on the Marker Wadden can be found at
If you have any questions, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Overview of deadlines and important dates
Video competition: before Friday March 1, 2019
Conference registration: before Friday March 1, 2019
Icebreaker: Wednesday March 20, starting at 20.30 hours
Conference day 1: Thursday March 21, starting at 9.00 hours
Conference day 2: Friday March 22
Excursion to Marken Wadden: Saturday March 23, 9.00 hours
This edition of the NCK days is organised by Maarten van der Vegt and Laura Brakenhoff from Utrecht University. If you have any questions, you may contract them through This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..